Watershed characteristics describing the geology, land cover, and general climate characteristics of the gaged watersheds were also compiled. These data were analyzed in Systat v.11 using a forward stepwise regression procedure to identify watershed characteristics that might be useful in predicting the value fo the residual. Within the eastern Lower Peninsula, the significant predictive variables, in addition to area, were: agricultural land use, urban land use, annual growing degree days, annual precipitation, and percent of the watershed underlain by lacustrine deposits. Within the western Lower Peninsula, the significant predictive variables, in addition to area, were: winter (December through March) precipitation, the percentage of the watershed underlain by till, and the percentage of the watershed occupied by forests. In the Upper Peninsula, the significant predictive variables, in addition to area, were: growing degree days and winter precipitation.
Each of these predictive variables were calculated for each Public Land Survey section, the data used to predict a residual, then the residual added to the base recharge prediction for the region.